Because I'm So Unregular

Here's a quick update on a the past month or so:

* Shawnda and I had a wonderful weekend away for our 3rd Annual Anniversary in Myrtle Beach, SC. We stayed at our friends family beach house which was across the street from the beach - perfect! This was the first time we had been away from the kids for more than a day. It was wondeful and Dee & Stacey were so sweet to watch the kids.

* Finished Systematic Theology III and Church History II at RTS Charlotte! I'm getting so close to the end. This was a great semester, some of the highlights for me were digging into the mysteries of the deity and huminty of Christ, getting to know Luther and Calvin better, and writing my History paper on Spurgeon.

* Went to Together for the Gospel with the pastors from our church and got to see so many good friends (Matthew Molesky, Tom Steller, David Livingston, Kevin Cawley, Ken Boer, Kent Capps, Sean Cordell, Brian Lund, Chris Lent). Blessed to join the brothers new and old at the TBI reunion and hang with Piper for a bit (thanks to Dave Mathis and Molesky for getting me there - and the chance to ride with Piper squished next to me there and back!). So many highlights: Piper and Mahaney's messages were the most hard-hitting for me. Hanging with the pastors from my church and the Sovereign Grace guys was an immense blessing! Biggest thing I came home with: Hit me that though I'm not in pastoral ministry in the local church I am in my home!

* We finished our first round of date-night coop with our new friends from church the Oddy's and Seaver's. This has been a huge blessing as we rotate each week watching the kids and going on a date. A number of other couples in the church have been doing it for years and when we heard about it both Shawnda and I thought it was brilliant!

* Finished the current season of 24 up and can't wait for next year and to catch up this summer by watching Season 2, and 3, and 4...well, maybe just one season! 

* Samuel and Keziah are growing up!!! I'm so proud of them!

1 Comment:

  1. Anonymous said...
    You have an very attractive family!! Really, your kids can not get any cuter! I love the fact that you have a blog, what a wonderful/impersonal (the second one is not so good) way to catch up.) You and the family are in my prayers and congratulations on the pregnancy!! How exciting for you! Looking forward to the update.

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