Well, we'll see about that. Two reasons for moving are: (1) I never felt totally comfortable having my name as my url. I ended up going with it because I thought it would be easier for people to remember. I thought I set up www.pilgriminprogress.blogspot.com (without the lame hyphens) but aparantly I didn't and they won't let me have it for some reason (hence the hyphens). The second reason (2) is to be sensitive to our children. Through my old address Shawnda and I realized it was easy to do a search on their names and find our last name; and that would make it really simple to find our number and address. We want them to be able to choose when they want to connect with the woman who gave birth to them, and the first contact to not be her calling when they're in their teens and one of them picks up the phone unexpectedly.

Long description to say welcome to the new site to the few of you that stop by.

On another note, God's been working on revealing my sin to me lately and because of that I've been dealing with my heart more intensely than I feel I ever have. I look forward to putting some thoughts and feelings down here and have you join me in this pilgrim's journey. If anything please pray for God's continued grace and mercy! He is so good. 

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