I am no longer here. You can find me at www.pilgriminprogress.com

See you there.

I'm playing with wordpress over here. Let me know what you think. So far I really like it.

Anyone for Hockey?

Oilers and Hurricanes battling it out for the Stanley Cup!

North Carolina vs. Canada!

This is going to be fun - if only they actually played the games on the major networks here!

We've all heard the discouraging statistics that the divorce rate in the evangelical church is the same as the world - 50%. In the midst of doing some research for the counseling center I came across this post by the Jollyblogger. Very interesting.

Just found another great article by Chuck Colson on the connection between marriage and faith. He writes, "It’s becoming increasingly clear that strong families depend on churches, and churches depend on strong families." Further on he writes, "regular church attendance still correlates with marital faithfulness and happiness."

Is Renting for Suckers?

I just read a post called, "Misconception: Renting is for Suckers" and I thought it brought up some good points. My brother and his wife just bought a home and we're looking at moving into another rental closer to the church and work. This whole topic has been on my mind. Personally, I've felt that renting is best for us at this point in life but there is always that desire to buy and own a home - the American dream.

The article says you should buy a home when the combined expenses, interest, taxes, and insurance equals your rent.

You can read the post here. I'd love to hear any thoughts and wisdom!

I just finished watching this powerful program on Primetime about the foster care system, "A Call to Action: Saving Our Children."

Please check out the website and watch the video clips. Very powerful.

Here's some stats:

"According to the latest statistics, just over 800,000 children pass through the system every year, with more than 500,000 taken into foster care. For them, the average stay is 31 months. One-third stay in the system for more than three years and 17 percent remain in foster care for five years or more. Foster children have on average three different placements. There are currently more than 100,000 foster children across the country available for adoption."

Powerful Testimony

Here is the link to the Van Ryn blog - the parents of Laura Van Ryn whom they thought was in a coma and just found out yesterday actually died in the accident. They are planning the memorial service for their daughter this Sunday. 

Pray for them and worship the sovereign God they are desperately worshipping and clinging too!

I Cannot Imagine

Two young girls in a deadly car accident were mistakenly identified for each other and one family thought their daughter was dead while the other family has been taking care of who they thought was their badly injured daughter in coma for the past month. 

Read about it here.

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